Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Politics: Versus vs. Running Mate

Right now, we have two powerhouse people in the running for Democratic leader, and they've been running a brilliant smear campaign against each other.

Their political views really aren't parallel. They would unify a party in need of some unification.

And yet... they dump mud on each other every chance they get.

You get the feeling that each of them wants to be the top dog, and that the dream team of Clinton-Obama (alphabetical order) is just not going to happen.

For VP, they'll pick a nice wimpy candidate who will stay in their shadow.

MISTAKE! Whatever momentum George W. Bush could not pick up on his own, Dick "I Target My Friends" Cheney picked up for him. Cheney is not the shy, retiring, quiet-dignity type.

When will the Democrats get a clue?

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