Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Letter and the Spirit

Most of the time, Jesus is portrayed in the Bible as being someone who moves where the Spirit takes him. He and his merry band of apostles travel around, doing good works, preaching to the crowds, and ticking off the elders.

This week, however, features him being baptized. He's doing something that actually follows the letter of the law.

Which presents a paradox for John the Baptist. In the military, unlike in movies about the military, you only salute someone of higher rank than yourself. John, who doesn't seem to recognize anyone as being greater than anyone else on the planet, has issues with performing a baptism on the Big Kahuna. How could he possibly...?

But Jesus assures him that this is all a part of The Plan. And it is.

The whole mystery of Jesus is that he was both God and man. As God, he's allowed to move where the Spirit directs him. As man, he still has to follow God's laws.

And if he, who is God, is not above following God's laws, then who are we to refuse to do the same?

The best way to lead is by example. There are some people who want others to do as they say, but they don't want to actually do it themselves. There are others who don't mind walking the walk, but they don't want to provide any direction.

The key is not to talk the talk, or walk the walk, but to walk the talk.

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