Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Gotta Get Over the Hump

I've been thinking about a format for my blogs and don't quite know what to do with Wednesday. Monday is a natural day for well, I was thinking wrapping up the weekend, but now I am not so sure. I'm trying to make this particular blog more about practicing my writing and less personal.

Maybe I could review things on Monday. That sounds good.

On Tuesday, I plan to troll the advice columns looking for poor souls who have been given awful advice by distant columnists and tell them what they should have been told.

Thursdays, definitely Reality TV rewind. I am a reality TV junkie, and I watch it all, from trashy to trendy.

Fridays could be about stuff around town. Which means that I will actually have to do stuff around town. Maybe I will start at Cafe Wingery, since my doppelganger supposedly works there.

Saturdays I could take off. I need a day off. Sunday I will probably punt with my usual religious re-interpretations of the readings.

Wednesday -- feh. I'll have to think on it. It could be a good day for random musings and/or politics.

Politics are good. I am really not a political creature, but I am a socialist in the broad sense of the word. I know people whose views on things range from "why do we care if women in 3rd world countries are educated?" to "Yay for the 40% quota to hire women in Norway." Talk about your extremes. Myself with my flaming moderate heart, I am usually annoyed by both ends of the spectrum.

So now that I have pondered over my lack of things to discuss on Wednesdays, I had better get moving. This post is getting kind of long.

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