Sunday, November 9, 2008

TV REVIEW: The Chef Jeff Project

Coming off of a bad episode last week that marginally ended on a positive note, the Chef Jeff Project took an upbeat turn this week. Jeff decides to give his six X factors a taste of what can happen on both the professional and home fronts when you never stop believing in yourself and when you surround yourself with people who support you.

The X's first stop is in fabulous Las Vegas, Jeff's hometown and where he got his start. They will be cooking for the Ka Show, which is put on by Cirque du Soleil. For the hierarchy, they must create something that the Cirque performers love: sushi, but with their own twists. Adam, who has experience in this, wins handily by acclamation of his fellow chefs. Jeff, in a surprising twist, also appoints Chante as a team leader. Not surprisingly, given their lack of maturity, each team leader is equally disgruntled by having to share the title.

As usual, there's a blow-up in the kitchen, and yes, it involves Adam. Adam, however, seems to have matured a little bit. Instead of popping off and earning himself a quick trip to the freezer for a cool-down, he collects himself and lets the negativity wash over him. The other crew members who were ready for battle seem to relax, denoting that one bad apple can indeed make or break the morale of the group.

The Ka presentation is a success, and in turnabout, the performers invite the X's to see their nighttime show. They seem awed by the experience, by the promise of wealth and luxury, but this isn't all Chef Jeff has in store for them.

Their next project is to cook for the birthday party of Chef Jeff's 64-year-old mother. In this way, they get to see what family and community look like. It gets very emotional, and even the stoic Brett is wiping his eyes by the end of the episode. I even shed a few tears, particularly for Adam, who REALLY gets into the emotional side of things.

Next week is the finale, when the X's learn if they have what it takes to get their scholarships. Will Chante's attitude bring her down? Will Adam's temper explode and take over? Will Alonzo's fear of failure bring him cowering in the corner? Will Brett's lack of emotion translate into a lack of passion for food? Will Maria's inexperience cause her make bad decisions? And will Kathy's sense of isolation cause her to pull away from her fellow crew members? We'll all be watching...

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