Wednesday, November 19, 2008

BOOK REVIEW: Good Luck by Whitney Gaskell

Ever had one of those days when everything goes wrong? Lucy Parker is having one of those days.

She loses her job due to a conniving student, loses her boyfriend to a a woman with a belly ring and fake boobs, and loses her car to mechanical failure.

Before she can quite take it all in, however, she wins several million dollars, enough money to start all over again and recreate herself as a new person. As she embarks on her shiny new life, however, she encounters the age-old question of if you can really run away from your problems. And whether happiness is something that you can really put a price tag on.

While you may be sitting there gagging at the sticky sweetness of the sappy moralistic storyline, let me assure you that I really did enjoy this book. It might not be Wuthering Heights, but who wants it to be??? I give it 3 packs of Dunhills and a bag of Senseo Coffee pods.

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